Career consultancy
Everyone can write a resume. Most probably you also wrote yours in the past. When you are looking for a new job currently, you refresh it a bit, add your latest experiences, and you can easily find universal guidelines on the internet to do so. But will it be enough to be invited for the job interview and get the job of your life? If your answer is ’No’ to any of these questions below, ask for an offer!
- Is your resume customized?
- Does it stand out and shine?
- Can you communicate why you are the perfect choice for your future employer?
- Are your career breaks and career changes all well explained?
- Do you have a professional profile picture in your resume?
- Is it styled to express your personality and career goal, but at the same time is it in harmony with the industry standards that you (wish to) work in?
Online presence
Your online presence is as important as your resume. Your LinkedIn profile should differentiate you from the thousand other professionals in your field, represent you, show the value you can bring to your new workplace, enlighten your background in a summarized and convincing manner and attract your future potential employers.
Is your LinkedIn profile like this?
Job interview
If you managed to grab the attention of your future employer, the job interview is the next key step toward your desired career. You only have the first few minutes to perform; therefore, making a powerful first impression is essential. You have to be brilliant and unforgettable to successfully compete in today’s fierce job market. You need competitive advantage by enhancing your interviewing technique. It can raise your chances to get your dream job.
Rehearsing the job interview can help you to perform under pressure, discover what you do, or you do not do during the interview that you are unaware of, and learn your weaknesses, even if you are an experienced interviewee.
My interview rehearsal service includes:
- One-on-one interview session with prompt feedback
- Discussion of how to answer the interview questions most efficiently and how to respond to unexpected questions
- Assessment of your verbal and non-verbal communication
- Providing advice to be able to sell yourself as a personal brand, even if you do not have the necessary experience for the job
Knowing your own company does not mean you know all the others. Being familiar with the salary levels and current job market is also vital when you are being interviewed. You could be surprised about the new trends and best practices in the market. If you want to master your job search, contact me!
Career and Executive Coaching
If you want to go from good to great. Through inspirational, creative and thought-provoking discussions you can maximize your personal and professional potential!
Executive search
“Great vision without great people is irrelevant.’” (Jim Collins). Finding top talents and attracting them to join your company to build your success can be difficult. Make it easier!
Clients told
I am discrete and fully aware and respect the sensitive nature of my services. Due to confidentiality issues, I do not share any client names. If you wish to know some of my clients that are not highly confidential, contact me!
Hogyan győzd meg a cégedet, hogy fizesse a fejlesztésedet? I. rész.
24 December 2024
Ha olyan vállalatnál dolgozol, ahol a tréningeket és a különböző fejlesztési lehetőségeket kérned sem kell, akkor nagyon szerencsés vagy. Legtöbb cégnél azonban sokszor meg kell győzni a felettest vagy a HR-t, hogy egy tanfolyamra vagy coachingba elmehess. Ha most kezdtél vezetőként dolgozni vagy régóta vezető pozícióban dolgozol és szeretnéd fejleszteni a vezető készségeidet, akkor kifejezetten hasznos lehet a számodra az executive coaching, de a budgetre, időhiányra vagy egyéb okokra hivatkozva lehetséges, hogy erre nincs lehetőség. Ha azonban a megfelelő módon próbálod meg meggyőzni a cégedet, hogy fektessen beléd, sikerrel járhatsz és végül nemcsak te, hanem az egész cég profitálni fog a fejlesztésedből.
Adrienn Dankó ACC
Career re-design specialist,
ICF member Business coach
+36 70 310 82 59
21/b Hollán Ernő str, 1136 Budapest, Hungary